The ranking of Top 10 Innovative, Creative and Effective Business Enterprises in the Real Estate - Construction industry in 2024 is evaluated by the Organizing Committee according to 4 categories: Real Estate Developer; Industrial park real estate; General construction contractor; Infrastructure developer and construction of electricity and telecommunications.
Accordingly, Viettel Construction is honored to become the Champion of Infrastructure Developer and Electrical and Telecommunications Construction in 2024. This is the second year Viettel Construction has been in the Top 10 Innovative, Creative and Effective Business Enterprises.
Top 10 infrastructure developers, electrical construction and telecommunications
Previously, in 2023 Viettel Construction was one of only three businesses ranked by the Organizing Committee as an Innovative and Effective Business (Category Real Estate - Construction - Construction Materials).
In 2023, Viettel Construction is one of three businesses honored in the Real Estate - Construction - Construction Materials category.
Top 10 Creative and Effective Businesses in Vietnam is conducted to evaluate, research and honor innovative businesses with effective business operations and good growth. The program is conducted annually by Viet Research and domestic and international experts on objective, quantitative and scientific principles:
- Evaluate business efficiency and added value of businesses due to innovation and creativity including: Revenue, profit, total assets, ROE, ROA, growth rate, investment efficiency for R&D,...
- Corporate culture of innovation to absorb new ideas, initiatives and create a critical environment; ability to face challenges and pressures of change.
- Budget allocation policy for R&D activities; number of R&D projects, number of patents,... leadership vision, use of personnel and resource mobilization,... for the goal of innovation for growth and effective business.
- Strategy for innovation and creativity in products and services to improve competitiveness and create a unique position in the market.
Viet Research's 2024 survey results show that 82% of real estate businesses consider "innovation" to be one of the important keys to survival and development in at least the next 2 years. Businesses identify two priority areas in innovation: product/service/process innovation and innovation in communication and marketing methods and strategies. 82% of businesses said they will increase their budget for innovation by 20-30% compared to 2023.
The chart shows the effective and innovative business activities of the Real Estate - Construction industry
In the context of the global and domestic economy, fundamental and profound transformations are taking place in terms of supply chain shifts, green transformation, etc. Vietnamese businesses are constantly restructuring, innovating, and creating to adapt to uncertain contexts, be ready to overcome challenges and seize opportunities in difficulties.