Viettel construction

Viettel Construction commits to reinvest in society through linking production and business activities with social and humanitarian activities.


Business news

Accumulated in the first 10 months of 2021, Viettel Construction completed 99.2% of the profit plan in 2021

Completing 99.2% of the profit plan and 93% of the revenue plan in just the first 10 months of the year helps Viettel Construction to aim for a larger goal, expected revenue in 2021 to reach VND 7,234.3 billion (equivalent to 110 % plan).

Viettel Construction nâng tầm giáo dục tại Trường Tiểu học Mù Sang

Dự án bổ sung cơ sở vật chất Trường Tiểu học Mù Sang

Viettel Construction bổ sung cơ sở vật chất cho Trường Tiểu học Mù Sang, giúp cải thiện điều kiện học tập cho học sinh vùng cao, nâng cao chất lượng giáo dục.

Viettel Construction khởi công dự án khu nghỉ dưỡng sang trọng 100 tỷ đồng

Ngày 17/3 vừa qua, Viettel Construction đã khởi công dự án Khu du lịch sinh thái Làng Đá Bạc tại xã Phú Thành, huyện Lạc Thủy, tỉnh Hòa Bình. Dự án do Công ty CP Phát triển Hạ tầng Phú Thành làm chủ đầu tư và VCC đảm nhận vai trò đứng đầu liên danh…

[02T.2025] Viettel Construction Production and Business Newsletter: Maintaining slight growth, completing the February 2025 plan

Viettel Construction recorded positive growth in all areas of production and business. Despite market fluctuations, the Corporation maintained steady growth, expanding its operations from telecommunications infrastructure and civil construction to advanced technology solutions. These results not only reflect strong internal capabilities but also demonstrate a sustainable development strategy and flexible adaptation in the digital age.

Viettel Construction sẵn sàng bước vào kỷ nguyên vươn mình cùng đất nước

Trong suốt hành trình phát triển của đất nước, Viettel Construction luôn đồng hành cùng những bước chuyển mình mạnh mẽ của dân tộc, góp phần xây dựng một nền tảng vững chắc cho tương lai. Được hình thành trong bối cảnh Việt Nam đang vươn mình ra thế giới, Viettel Construction không chỉ là biểu tượng của sự phát triển vượt bậc trong ngành hạ tầng viễn thông, mà còn là hình mẫu về sự đổi mới sáng tạo, hội nhập và kiến tạo giá trị bền vững trên mọi lĩnh vực đa ngành nghề.

Viettel Construction participates in the groundbreaking ceremony of the 3,500 billion VND waste-to-energy plant project.

On March 5th, the project "VietStar Integrated Solid Waste Treatment Plant," invested by VietStar Corporation, officially commenced construction at the Northwest Solid Waste Treatment Complex in Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City. Viettel Construction participated as a representative of the contractor consortium.

Viettel Construction's the production and business results in October 2021 recorded a revenue of VND 650.2 billion, an increase of 13.9% over the same period in 2020 (△ = 79.3 billion). Accumulated revenue reached 6,126.6 billion VND ~ 93% of the plan in 2021 (6,600 billion VND).

Pre-tax profit is estimated at 35.84 billion VND, up 7.2% over the same period in 2020 (△ = 2.4 billion). Accumulated to reach 347.9 billion VND ~ 99.2% of the plan in 2021 (350.6 billion).

This result comes from key business areas:

Operation and exploitation (VHKT) segment: recorded revenue of 428.3 billion VND, up 38.4% over the same period in 2020 (△ = 118.9 billion VND).

- In October, Viettel Construction maintained good quality assurance of telecommunications network in Viettel Group, although the epidemic continued to develop complicatedly in the western provinces.

- Ensure the quality of the technical culture of cable network of partners CMC, MobiFone.

- Completed the reception and handover of 194/194 cultural and economic stations outside the Group in phase 1 to MNTI's partner in Myanmar.

- Technical services: recorded revenue of 18.1 billion VND (In which Home Services, Operation Services, Solar Services, IT Services achieved revenue of 15.5 billion; 1.6 billion; 0.7 billion and 0 respectively. ,4 billion dongs).

- Completed the signing of a contract to provide installation, warranty, and repair services for 2 major partners: Samsung and Karofi.

Construction field (Construction of telecommunications, civil construction B2B and B2C):

- Construction and installation of investment sources and construction and installation outside of OS both reached VND 18 billion.

- Complete 2,295 solutions under the plan to add high-traffic cell resources in 2021.

- B2C civil construction recorded a revenue of 20.6 billion dong, up 221% over the same period (△ = 14.2 billion), up 24% compared to the previous month (△ = 4 billion).

- B2B civil construction: recorded revenue of 53.6 billion dong, up 60% over the same period (△ = 20.1 billion), up 332% compared to the previous month (△ = 41.2 billion) .

Infrastructure Investment: Recorded revenue of VND 64.4 billion, better results after many provinces no longer apply social distancing.

– Triển khai hoàn thành đồng bộ thêm 202 trạm BTS trong tháng 10, lũy kế hoàn thành đồng bộ 1.112 trạm BTS trong năm 2021.

– Thực hiện tìm kiếm nhà mạng thứ 2 khả thi tại 45 vị trí trong tháng 10, đã ký kết hợp đồng tại 26 vị trí.

Integrated Solution Area: Ghi nhận doanh thu 64,4 tỷ đồng, kết quả khả quan hơn sau khi nhiều tỉnh không còn áp dụng giãn cách xã hội.

- Promote contact with roofers of factories and businesses that need to use solar power under the DPPA mechanism (direct power purchase agreement). Initially agreeing on the terms and conditions in the memorandum of understanding between CTH Ceramics Joint Stock Company in Phu Tho. Conducted work with some funds and owners in Thanh Hoa, Hanoi, Bac Giang, Bac Ninh.

- Deploying the first phase of Viettel Construction's smarthome solution at 9 BVLand model apartments and 324 model apartments in the Dimond Hill project.

Information technology field: Revenue was 4.9 billion dong, up 29.4% month on month (△ = 1.1 billion dongs).

Khối thị trường nước ngoài: recorded revenue of 85.6 billion dong, up 69.1% over the same period (△ = 35 billion), up 7.4% compared to the previous month (△ = 5.9 billion). Inside:

- Myanmar market: recorded revenue of 49.8 billion VND, up 96.5% over the same period (△ = 24.4 billion), up 1.4% compared to the previous month (△ = 0.7 billion VND) ). This result contributed from 46 billion VND in operating and exploitation revenue, 3.8 billion VND from construction and installation.

- In Cambodia: Revenue reached VND 25.3 billion, up 59.3% over the same period (△ = 9.4 billion). In which, revenue from cultural and economic activities reached 24.5 billion dongs, construction and installation segment reached 0.8 billion dong.

- In Peru: Revenue was recorded at VND 5.6 billion, up 1.2% over the same period, up 8.6% from the previous month (△ = 0.4 billion).

- In Mozambique: Revenue reached VND 5 billion, up 67.8% over the same period (△ = 2 billion), up 100% from the previous month.


Sales channel: Promoting sales activities from FT1 and FT3 employees in the Corporation, bringing in 22.7 billion VND in revenue.

Deployment channel: Organization of additional recruitment of FT3 employees and professional training in the fields of solar energy, technical services, etc.

Control channel: Perfecting the KPIs system on Home Services software, integrating CAT material management software.

Business activities:

- Promote the coverage of construction works constructed by Viettel Construction in the provinces/cities. Reaching 385 districts without any works built by Viettel Construction, deploying billboards at big markets and trade centers in 63 provinces.

- Organizing radio broadcasts in 98 key communes/wards in October.

- Completing the development of business plans to complete B2C apartments in B2B projects. The goal in the fourth quarter is to sign a design + construction contract for 01 model apartment at Louis City Hoang Mai project.

- Promote sales of hot water heaters and Solar Hart Heat Pumps.

Internal activities:

- Completing and perfecting the model and functions of departments and agencies of the Corporation in the direction of "Strategy - People - Execution" towards functional efficiency and target implementation.

- Organize training program on Supply Chain Management for managers and key personnel of agencies and units with 120 students.

- Coordinate registration and organization of the Board of Directors certification program for the Board of Directors.

- Organize the implementation of 4 key digital transformation programs in the 2021-2023 period:
+ Improve operational efficiency and optimize costs.

+ Improve customer experience.

+ Transformation and revenue growth.

+ Developing human resources for digital transformation.

+ Building software tools to manage procurement activities according to SCOR.

Viettel Construction nâng tầm giáo dục tại Trường Tiểu học Mù Sang

Dự án bổ sung cơ sở vật chất Trường Tiểu học Mù Sang

Viettel Construction bổ sung cơ sở vật chất cho Trường Tiểu học Mù Sang, giúp cải thiện điều kiện học tập cho học sinh vùng cao, nâng cao chất lượng giáo dục.

Viettel Construction khởi công dự án khu nghỉ dưỡng sang trọng 100 tỷ đồng

Ngày 17/3 vừa qua, Viettel Construction đã khởi công dự án Khu du lịch sinh thái Làng Đá Bạc tại xã Phú Thành, huyện Lạc Thủy, tỉnh Hòa Bình. Dự án do Công ty CP Phát triển Hạ tầng Phú Thành làm chủ đầu tư và VCC đảm nhận vai trò đứng đầu liên danh…

[02T.2025] Viettel Construction Production and Business Newsletter: Maintaining slight growth, completing the February 2025 plan

Viettel Construction recorded positive growth in all areas of production and business. Despite market fluctuations, the Corporation maintained steady growth, expanding its operations from telecommunications infrastructure and civil construction to advanced technology solutions. These results not only reflect strong internal capabilities but also demonstrate a sustainable development strategy and flexible adaptation in the digital age.

Viettel Construction sẵn sàng bước vào kỷ nguyên vươn mình cùng đất nước

Trong suốt hành trình phát triển của đất nước, Viettel Construction luôn đồng hành cùng những bước chuyển mình mạnh mẽ của dân tộc, góp phần xây dựng một nền tảng vững chắc cho tương lai. Được hình thành trong bối cảnh Việt Nam đang vươn mình ra thế giới, Viettel Construction không chỉ là biểu tượng của sự phát triển vượt bậc trong ngành hạ tầng viễn thông, mà còn là hình mẫu về sự đổi mới sáng tạo, hội nhập và kiến tạo giá trị bền vững trên mọi lĩnh vực đa ngành nghề.

Viettel Construction participates in the groundbreaking ceremony of the 3,500 billion VND waste-to-energy plant project.

On March 5th, the project "VietStar Integrated Solid Waste Treatment Plant," invested by VietStar Corporation, officially commenced construction at the Northwest Solid Waste Treatment Complex in Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City. Viettel Construction participated as a representative of the contractor consortium.