According to the results of the report, in 2024 Viettel Construction will increase its ranking to 187/500 fastest growing enterprises in Vietnam, up 37 places compared to 2023 (224/500). Besides, Viettel Construction also reached the Top 50 "Excellent" Growth Enterprises in Vietnam. This is the third consecutive year that the Corporation is in this club of 50 excellent enterprises.
This ranking comes from Viettel Construction's breakthrough business results in 2023. The Corporation recorded a revenue of 11,399.4 billion VND, an increase of 22% compared to 2022 and exceeding the set plan by 10%. Pre-tax profit is estimated at 645.4 billion VND, growing 16% compared to 2022, thereby exceeding the full year target by 5%. These are all record levels of revenue and profit for the Corporation since its establishment.
Trong giai đoạn 5 năm (2019-2023), tốc độ tăng trưởng doanh thu và lợi nhuận trước thuế kép của Viettel Construction đạt lần lượt 22% và 33,5%.
The lower the Company Rank, the higher the Company Rank
FAST500 has entered its 14th year on the journey of finding, recognizing and honoring the worthy achievements of businesses with good business performance, based on the main criterion of compound growth rate (CAGR) in revenue.
In addition, criteria such as total assets, equity, pre-tax profit and corporate reputation in the media, etc. are also used as supporting factors to determine the size and position of the company. businesses in the industry operate.
Vietnam Report's survey results show that more than half (51.7%) of businesses said they did not complete their revenue plans while 46.7% of businesses did not reach their set profit level for the year. 2023. On the contrary, the rate of businesses completing and exceeding plans in two targets is lower than in the 2021-2022 period. Notably, the proportion of businesses with declining revenue and profits increased nearly two and a half times over the same period.
Biến động một số chỉ tiêu kinh doanh của doanh nghiệp FAST500 năm 203 so với năm trước
According to Vietnam Report's survey results, the Top 6 opportunities contributing to business growth in 2024 have been pointed out: Business Vision and Strategy; Digital Transformation Trends; Loan interest rates decrease; Macroeconomic stability; Management capacity and corporate culture; Government support policy.
Important factors for businesses in 2024 are identified by Vietnam Report
With a vision of becoming a company with billion-dollar revenue by 2030 and becoming the investor, operator, and provider of smart, highly efficient projects. Viettel Construction's leadership has clear management strategies in many aspects. Specifically:
Governance: Consistent system administration activities with more than 11,000 people, 63 Branches, 400 District Centers through the factors 3 Cores (Strategy - People - Execution), 4 Factors (People - Rules Program - Technology - Management), 3 Keys (Sales channel - Deployment channel - Quality control channel).
Digital transformation: Aim to reach digital maturity level 4.5-5/5 by 2025 according to TMForum standards. Currently, Viettel Construction's digital maturity level reaches 3.63/5 (advancing), ranking 2nd in Viettel Group and is the unit with the highest "digital maturity score" growth rate. Comprehensive growth 6/6 Dimensions (Customer 3.74/5, Strategy 3.82/5, Operation 3.32/5, Culture 3.68/5, Technology 3.46/5, Data 3.78/5).
Digital culture: Viettel Construction applies corporate culture development in 6 aspects and maturity level 5/5 (level of "unity", according to BlueC's assessment).
Risk management: Viettel Construction's Risk Management System currently reaches maturity level 4/5, maintaining legal management and internal control activities.