Under the authorization of the leader of the Government and the Ministry of Defense, Acting Chairman Le Dang Dung awarded the Government emulation flag to Viettel Construction Corporation for outstanding achievements in the movement to win. Year 2019 at the Group Monthly Meeting on May 8.
Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is the result of the collective efforts of employees of the Corporation. The year 2019 is marked with an important shift of Corporation Construction: Moving from a construction contractor to infrastructure investors with tasks including system deployment, integration, IT operation, business solution and smart infrastructure based on IoT/Big-data technology provision.
Acting Chairman - Group CEO Le Dang Dung awarded the Government's Emulation Flag to VCC leaders |
With the spirit of "Innovation, Innovation, Breakthrough, Pioneer", Creative activities were renamed to Kaizen activities, which quickly brought practical results in building a civilized working environment. 5S has lifted the operation work to a new level. The Corporation was praised by the Group, being the first unit in the whole Group to successfully apply Kaizen to its production and business activities.
From the early days, the first month of 2019, the Corporation has launched and implemented extensively the movements and emulsions that contributed to the successful completion of the political mission of the Corporation. Not only completing 100% of the business plan in 2019, the average income is 16.8 million VND / person, completing 87.5% of the yearly plan, up 3.9% compared to 2018.