Accordingly, Viettel Construction is ranked 7th in the 100 most popular Employers in 2022 (up 4 places compared to 2021). Appearing with Viettel Construction in this year's Top 10 rankings, there are large enterprises such as Vinamilk, Techcombank, Samsung, FPT Telecom, etc.
Viettel Construction increased 4 places in the ranking of Top Most Favorite Employers in 2022
List of Top 50 Employers announced by CareerBuilder Vietnam
Being continuously evaluated by organizations and awards such as CareerBuilder Vietnam, Anphabe as the best place to work in Vietnam and the most favorite Employer, helps affirm the efforts of Viettel Construction's Board of Directors in the journey to build building a happy working environment for 11,000 employees nationwide and overseas.
In fact, the Vietnamese labor market is gradually recovering, but the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has posed many challenges for businesses like Viettel Construction. Not only requires Viettel Construction to maintain the core force, create peace of mind and devote to business development, but also to implement many other timely policies to attract new talents.
The Top 100 Favorite Employers are ranked by CareerBuilder Vietnam's annual survey every year. This survey aims to recognize the expectations of job seekers and honor the most popular businesses by industry in 2022.
Survey respondents data conducted by CareerBuilder Vietnam in 2022
To ensure the transparency and reliability of the results, the 2022 survey is conducted by CareerBuilder Vietnam using the methodology from the market research company Amco Vietnam. The survey lasted from November 28, 2022 to January 9, 2023, attracting the participation of 18,956 respondents nationwide, completing the survey as well as voting for the most favorite employer of the company year. is owned by CareerBuilder USA - the world's leading large employment and recruitment network. With advanced technology, global partner network, professional customer service; has been the choice of more than 20,000 top employers with more than 30,000 good job opportunities – new high salary monthly, has more than 5 million users.